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Bandorr said:
The progression in this game makes no sense to me.

I have all eight characters. I have all 8 shrines.

My highest level is 17. Because I can't sub that character out. Everyone else is like 15, 14, 13,10, and a couple below 10.
Based on the map chapter 2 the towns range from level 21 to 27.

So what the hell am I missing? How do my characters go from not even 20 to 20 to almost 30. Am I suppose to just grind that?

I was at about level 29 with my main character at the point you describe. Did you equip Cyrus' passive that lowers encounters and do you fight every fight? I'm now almost done with all Chapter 2s and there hasn't been a point where I needed to grind XP yet.

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