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TranceformerFX said:
pokoko said:

One of your links is from 2009, another is an old man grumbling about animators, and another actually begins with the line, "The anime industry, while not as strong as it was back in 2004-2006, is still booming."

The simple fact is that anime is growing, mainly due to overseas interest.

"Total revenue from overseas sales, which includes broadcast rights, box office, DVD/Blu-ray sales and merchandising, jumped almost a third to $6.79 billion (¥768 billion) over the previous year. Sales to China increased, an AJA spokesperson confirmed, but figures for individual countries aren't compiled for the report."

The decline you're talking about doesn't exist.  There certainly are problems but there have always been problems.  The outlook, however, is positive.

As far as your idea that Japan needs to change anime to suit the rest of the world, we've already seen that with the gaming industry and it was a failure.  The Japanese gaming industry only began to recover when they stopped trying to copy western trends and returned to doing what they knew best.

Regarding your remarks on diversity, I still get the impression that you're talking about a subject where you know little.  Does anime have big name titles designed to appeal to key demographics?  Of course.  However, saying this means it lacks diversity would be like pointing to a select group of Hollywood movies and pretending nothing else was being produced by the film industry.  Anime pulls from sources designed for little girls, little boys, teenage girls, teenages boy, mature women, and mature men.

Is anime anywhere close to being diverse as manga?  No.  Is it more diverse than western animation?  Yeah.  It typically hits several different genres that are intended for different demographics.

Let's take a look at some of the best anime of last year in visual form:

Not diverse enough for you?  Okay, that's fine.  "The same shit"?  It would seem that you're talking about a subject where you know very little.


So you cherry pick certain series while disregarding another users sources based old it is? Does that make it untrue then? Even when it's coming from insiders who are involved in the industry and have been for decades? And your source is a .net website? A website that CLEARLY says "but figures aren't compiled for individual countries"...


*Slow Clap*





Are you serious?  Of course the age of a report matters from a financial perspective.  Is that even a serious question?  You used a link from almost a decade ago.  My source is, since you're having trouble reading, is The Association of Japanese Animations (AJA).  As for it saying CLEARLY that "figures aren't compiled for individual countries", it CLEARLY doesn't make any difference as long as they CLEARLY have the total.

If you want the direct link, here you go.

You obviously have no clue what you're talking about one way or another.  Even worse, you didn't even bother to read your own sources.