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The whole experience picks up a lot of steam a few hours in.
When you have just 1 or 2 characters with not a lot of abilities - combat is repetitive and boring.
Once you have a full party past level 6 7 or 8, it gets WAY better.

Music is fantastic!

I find the story a mixed bag. In some parts its good. In others, it's cringey. I like that I have direction in what storyline I'm in.

At first, I thought the graphics were merely ok. But the longer I look at it, the more games I really want in this style ( A 2D Zelda like this please!!).

Everything feels like a continuation of the SNES era of Final Fantasy. And as someone who really got deep into FFIV as their first extensive game experience, that means a lot to me that Square and Nintendo did that.

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016