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Chris Hu said:
thismeintiel said:

Well, yea, the KKK was formed by Republi... Oh, wait. 

I get what you where trying to say there but the two parties made a complete switch when it comes to racism in the 60s.  Dixiecrat's switched over to become Republicans and the people that supported the Civil Rights Act stayed or became Democrats.   Also the majority of the people in the Civil Rights movement where either Democrats or leaned towards being Democrats. 

That’s the biggest load of revisionist crap I have ever heard. It’s nothing more than the democrats trying to distance themselves from their own crappy history. The blacks left for the democrat party during the new deal, they fell for the progressive push started the by Wilson. It had nothing to do with racism. Dixiecrats left the democrats to hurt the democrats after they stopped fighting against civil rights. It was a protest vote. You couldn’t name one time the Republican Party adopted the democrats racist platform like him crow. You can’t name one republican that stood against the civil rights movement. “The “complete switch” is a complete lie. Who ended segregation? Who sent the military to escort black kids into southern public schools? I’m not attacking you personally but it’s not the first time I heard that and it’s such bullshit.