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Now that I own the game and have spent a dozen or so hours on it (which I know is but a small sample size):

- The graphic style is really neat, with the sort of Paper Mario-esque flat sprites on a 3D plane, and particle and lighting effects are impressive.
- Excellent soundtrack that engrosses you into the experience
- Battle system is a nice balance between simplicity and complexity. You can sort of mindlessly plow through it as long as your evenly matched though you can also really stretegize you break points, spells, etc and be resourceful, which is often demanded in harder battles and boss fights.
- Like that there a 8 individual unique characters, each with their own backstory and dynamics in battle. Enjoying Therion's ability to snag items from villagers and Primrose able to snag the villagers themselves hehe. Having a super-powered guard swooping in a boss battle to save the day with some crazy strong attacks is quite satisfying.
- Doing each prologue can get excessive and repetitive at times though they are at least pretty short.
- Love how open world everything is and that you can wander around and do things in your own order and pace. You can somewhat carve out your own story.
- Side quests are interesting.. The fact that you aren't guided as to where to go forces you be be aware of the dialogue exchanges and surroundings which can become a bit burdensome but are that much more satisfying when you complete them.
- Some of the story lines seem meh so far but some do interest me, particularly Primrose and Olberic

I'm usually not too crazy about turn based RPGs (my commonality for RPG preference is either J or WRPGs that are more action-oriented like Secret of Mana and Skyrim), though this game manages to still make the battles interesting and exciting enough where I can get into or at least tolerate the more slow-paced turn based battles. Sometimes the random battle instances can pop up too frequently for my tastes but luckily I have an equipable skill that dials back the frequency more to my liking.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden