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Shiken said:
Mnementh said:
People think the game is too short? No idea, I myself aren't to far advanced (have to work sometimes between play-sessions).

The graphic is very different, but I like it. But I barely justify game purchases with graphics anyways, I tend to look more into gameplay, playtime and fun.

A lot of people were trying to say it could would have like 35 hours of content, but that was early on.  Now that it has been confirmed to have well over 100 hours of content, they has since put their foot in their mouths.


The main thing I see being mentioned is the graphics.  But like you, an experience is not soley based on visuals, in fact, it has the least impact of all factors.  I even see people who used to hate 16 bit style games (younger crowed) pulling a 180 and loving it after actually playing the game.  However I have a feeling people trying to downplay it in light of a "console war" and are grasping at straws at this point.

Naum said:

Its the old "if it isnt 3D" or "it didn't cost 40 million to develop" it's not Worth more then 40$ mentality.. kinds sad really.

I've been playing for 20 hours and I'm having a blast especially now when I do chapter 2+ for the characters and it's hard as hell and me as a old turnbased fan love it.

Yeah, my step son refuses to try the demo and won't play Zelda Four Swords with me because the game has "little characters".  Kid has no idea what he is missing.


But yeah, I needed a good turnbased JRPG in my life.  Too many of them try to follow the action RPG model or MMO style model.  Nothing wrong with those games, but we need more turn based games as well.

But we have plenty of TRP's out there like Fire Emblem, XCOM and more out there.

IF anything we don't have good ARPG's these days, as in good quality ones. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"