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massimus said:
Biggerboat1 said:

"I'll bow to your more extensive knowledge of all the legal ins & outs."

I don't have much knowledge on any Scotland law lol. I'm just trying to explain to you why the claim is ridiculous.

"My original point was that your summary of Machiavellian's paragraph was inaccurate and as both of us have now agreed, every word of the paragraph absolutely wasn't ridiculous. It states many truths although I understand you disagree with it's base premise. It's this type of reliance on exaggeration and hyperbole that causes debates  to get out of hand and it smacks more of wanting to win, than engaging in an open and honest discussion, where, god forbid, somebody may change their position."
Not every word. His truths didn't change the fact that it's not treason, impeachable or obviously so. What high crimes has Trump commited? What crimes in general has he commited as president? There is no evidence of anything. Saying that is hyperbole so I responded with exaggerations sure. I try to be humorous sometimes and I guess I can see how it comes off wrong in text. That's just the way I talk though I mean no offense. I don't want to win or change anyone's position, i'm just an observer and commenting like everyone else.

"In various posts you also express your amusement at the way Trump riles up the democrats, but I think revelling in other's distress is never healthy and attitudes like this will just contribute to the ever-widening chasm we're seeing in American society."
It's funny because likely nobody ever told them they were wrong before in their entire life. That's the American education system. They are being shielded from basic world views and humor. No sense of true tyranny or history has softened their world view. They think it's worse than it really is because they don't know any better. Some are just insane, no rationality whatsoever. The trump satire has been on point for the most part though. When it's funny, it's funny. The way people get so angry though.. It's like watching somebody meltdown for no real reason.

Some areas are really that bad in America but it's not because of systemic racism or our constitution. It's because of stupid state policy. A healthy state economy and the right people can do good things. States are all varied in their economic endeavors. There are many factors involved and it cant be boiled down into one token cause like they try to do. A hashtag lol. They rile people up for votes the same way Trump does, they lie and slander more than Trump does . Being a free society is rough business. It's easy to just let your government take over and take care of all of your needs, it's also the fastest way to real oppression going by history.

"Whilst I don't agree with some of Trump's policies I just can't understand the unflinching backing he receives personally from huge swathes of your country. You say he isn't an idiot but I think, you, me,  & half of this forum wouldn't have made the blunder he did at the summit, and that was just one of many. To me though, even worse than that was the way he executed his u-turn - he didn't even try to make it appear credible! He knows that what he is saying is going out to his country and the world and he doesn't even try... He may as well have pulled a Ron Burgundy and just gave it the full "fuck you America"."
Most American's couldn't less about any of this, they are not oppressed. People aren't piling in here  because we kidnap their kids and rape the citizenry. The left is just going further left and it's clashing with our system because it was built against it. They see it as oppression, I see it as protection. These basic fundamental views are what is separating people. Do you believe in the federalist constitutional system? Do you want a progressive system that they can change on a whim based on their feelings at the time? Or law that is set in stone and is very difficult to change? These are serious things to be divided about, Trump probably won for the sole reason of picking Supreme Court justices. That's a big deal especially when Americans are so fundamentally at odds.

"I mean, I'm not a fan of Theresa May by any stretch, she's a total charisma-vacuum. But at least I know when she's giving an interview or meeting another world leader that I'm not going to have to cringe every other sentence..."
I don't care about the optics as much as I care about results. The only beefs I have with Trump have nothing to do with optics, presentation or charisma. I just think it's funny. That entire summit was a dumb idea, what did that achieve? Why even have a summit, is Putin going to denuclearize like NK? I care about things like the tariffs, these wordplay games don't matter much to me.

"With Trump everything is 'the best', 'the biggest', 'the most' anything has ever been becaause he's involved. You may say that's just his trade-mark charm, but I personally think he doesn't have a clue whether what he's saying is true or not as he has no knowledge of his own country's history or politics, and what's worse he doesn't care to know... He's just such an odd man to cheer-lead for..."

He exaggerates sure. He's a long time public figure and entertainer so yeah that's in there. I'm not saying he's a genius but I don't think he's as dumb as you think he is and I don't think he's done anything wrong. I praise good policy and respect the office. That's not cheer-leading that's just being decent lol.

"I keep hearing that part of his appeal is that he isn't a career politician, he's an outsider, and as such can make things happen - but for this to happen he actually has to have a basic understanding of the political landscape and how it works."
He does, he has made shit happen. He's trying to get bills from congress the right way. He's slashing regulations not creating them. He knows how it works better than everyone apparently. All of the polls and analysts were wrong about the 2016 election, what do they know about the political landscape? We lost because of Russians.

"It's like putting an NFL player in the NBA, but without him knowing the rules - then watching on in horror as he tackles 3 players then punts the basketball into the crowd. You're not going to win the game that way - you're just going to make a fucking mockery of it..."

Nah lol. This beef between the allies is all show. Do you really believe that the US wouldn't defend or help a NATO country? We are going to go to war with Canada lol. It's all bullshit, he's flipping deals and trying to get them to pay more of their own shit. I don't agree with tariffs but the US is broke. Record revenues wasted by not just our leaders but world leaders. Our system needed to be shaken up and brought back to basics, that's my honest opinion. I don't assume NFL athletes are dumb gorillas lol. They might do great?

"I've kind of veered off my own point here so I'll wrap it up. Again, you seem like a switched on guy who's done his homework. It just makes it all the more bemusing to see you support such an overt narcissist & pathological liar. He truly is stranger than fiction, and I don't think we'll see a President even half as bizarre in our life-times..."
It would be nice to have some solid policy without the new york city bravado but it is what it is. They are all like donald trump, loud and obnoxious. "AYYY GO FUCK YA MUTHA!". Sadly, its needed for what we are dealing with. People have to start fighting back if they want to save the system because it's going in another direction and it's starting to look like they dont care if it's done legally. Starting to shoot at congressmen and harass them while they are out in stores or eating. Donald Trump did nothing to deserve that let alone the people who just associated with him and did absolutely nothing. They aren't freedom fighters they are fascists lol.

Ok, let's leave it there! I appreciate your reply and it's always good to get an alternative take.

If nothing else Trump & Brexit (well, for us in the UK anyway) have provided THE MOST (to quote Trump) interesting, if slightly anxiety-inducing, political landscape of my lifetime. Imo anyway.

I think (and hope tbh) that any future President won't take up half of the column space - the media won't know what to do with themselves :)