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Zucas said:
makingmusic476 said:
You point out that GTAIV had no effect on ps3 hardware, but forgot to mention that it also had no effect on 360 hardware. Then you point out that Halo 3 DID move 360s, but for some reason discount MGS4's ability to move consoles. And MGS4 DID move consoles in Europe. Sales rose almost 30% over previous weeks. And that's in the territory in which the ps3 was already selling the strongest.

You could say that GT5P had already caused a lift in the EU, and that carried over a bit until MGS4. GT5P, unlike MGS4, did much more for sales in the EU than it did in the other territories.


I knew someone would mention GTA IV on the 360. People do nitpick I suppose.

I tried to distance myself in this thing as far as possible from E/O because clearly E/O trends for the PS3 are very very different than its trends in America and Japan. I shouldn't have mentioned in the article at all and that's my fault.


So we all know that PS3 is fine in E/O so keep it to America and Japan. That's where my discussion really is focused in.


You can't take Europe out of the discussion. There's a couple of good reasons why the PS3 is doing best in Europe. Most like to point out that E/O is just more loyal to the PS brand. That could be true, but guess what? Europe also has had the most bundled games out of any of the three regions we track.

Bundles aren't just marketing smoke and mirrors that trick people into buying a system. They actually add significant value to a system especially when said system is easily the most expensive option on the market. What will eventually happen is that eventually there will no longer be anyone willing to pay $400+ on a PS3. That's when Sony will cut the price. The real challenge is to make the PS3 viable long enough to cut production costs such that they can actually offer the system for less than $400 and still make a profit.

How do you keep the PS3 viable? Offer bundles.........

My Top 5:

Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear Solid 3, Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Chrono Trigger

My 2 nex-gen systems: PS3 and Wii

Prediction Aug '08: We see the PSP2 released fall '09. Graphically, it's basically the same as the current system. UMD drive ditched and replaced by 4-8gb on board flash memory. Other upgrades: 2nd analog nub, touchscreen, blutooth, motion sensor. Design: Flip-style or slider. Size: Think Iphone. Cost: $199. Will be profitable on day 1.