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I said no, not because I would never boycott a game, but because it would take quite a lot. Nowadays people boycott if the main character isn't the race/gender they wanted, and that's just dumb to me. Even if a developer has a belief I disagree with or even if they have an agenda with the games they make, so long as that agenda doesn't outright promote establishing a dictatorship or genociding or being really nasty to a particular demographic, I'll probably still play if I find the game fun and engaging. I didn't boycott Ender's Game just because I found out the author hates LGBT people. It wasn't reflected in the books, so I didn't see any need to boycott, as they were good books. I'll admit I treat other, non-art products differently, and if that makes me a hypocrite, so be it, but I feel like art deserves to be treated differently, be that movie, book, or video game.

Last edited by HylianSwordsman - on 18 July 2018