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Cobretti2 said:

Does anyone else wonder how the US has managed to survive as a society with so many paranoid people in it lol?

Maybe Doomsday Preppers will bring out Donald Trump Edition series. Miss that show lol

It is absolutely bonkers.

I realize the country is divided in half between the developed states and the under development states. I also know that the public educational system is extremely anemic, wich leads to Christianity taking root and lack of knowledge to proliferate. It's a huge country and that is probably it's biggest problem.

Oh, there's also the incredible faith some put in the forefathers like they were incredibly wise people till the end of time. They were smart and made a constitution that worked best in their days. The days where communication means between the interior and the big cities was extremely difficult and slow. That is naturally no longer the case, and the system is now less democratic than many other democracies in the forefront.

What becomes clear is that the US is a country of inequalities. There are very very rich people and very very poor people with little support. It takes root because people seems to think the rich guys know best, but what they know best is how to take advantage of fools. The cycle perpetuates. I don't want to take sides, but it is obvious that the Republican party has been the most responsible for the lack of advancements in education, health care and issues like gun control. They cut the basis of the people so they can better manipulate them and they demonize Socialism like democratic socialism is a bad thing, when in truth is the tool to fix the inequalities.

Unfortunately, i don't know how the issue can be solved. But, it is clear that the lesser of two evils is the democratic party, because at least they are bringing better living conditions to the population rather than try to keep them neutered. With the way things are going though, it's clear the US is taking steps backwards and i worry for what that will mean for the world order. If the US falters, China and especially Russia under Putin can become very dangerous.

I know many american's don't have the foresight to understand this, but Europe is the wall that keeps them safe from Russia and China, and vice versa. If one is to fall, we may very easily fall pray to another maniac madman like Hitler, and if Europe falls, the US has no means to resist. It can be Putin if it happens during his time. He proved he can do it with Crimea. It is not so different from what Hitler wanted to do with the Prussian corridor wich officially sparked WW2. The difference is that Puttin is an ex-spy and he likes to plan things long term. Hitler was a bit more of an impatient klutz.

Now watch the mob of Trump fans flame me. xD