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It's nice to see some people becoming more independent and realizing how hateful and divisive the DNC has become. I already pretty much "walked away" from them in 2016 when they colluded against Bernie Sanders (and then on top of it have the gall to whine about Trump's election when Bernie probably would have beaten him). That was pretty much the final straw for me, though it's been an ongoing process for me that's gone back several years starting in 2013-14 with a series of events that's aggravated me to no end, largely starting with the GG stuff.

By no means am I an advocate of the GOP, they can be just as corrupt and divisive, but I'm getting sick of this idea that the DNC is the de facto "just" and "righteous" party that's always automatically right. The last half decade in particular shows that this is FAR from being correct..

Or an even more frustrating notion - that some people, because of their identity, just automatically are obligated to vote DNC simply because they belong to said group. BS, you don't owe these guys anything. They need to EARN your vote, which I don't see them doing much of these days to just about ANY group unless you happen to be an illegal immigrant. More and more are discovering they simply pander to these groups, then do absolutely nothing for them once they've secured their vote.

Last edited by DarthMetalliCube - on 15 July 2018


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden