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Kai_Mao said:
Replicant said:

This is so true. They should do something along the lines of what some of those online personal projects suggest as e.g. this one:

That's a lot of phones and TVs. I know more options are good, but this is a bit overwhelming. Just cut off the fat. Why is this the case in the first place?

Exactly. For many years Sony has thrown a bunch of random products at their customers to see if something sticks. They haven’t had a clear goal or target group but have instead tried to cater to both the discount and premium market. They need to consolidate and streamline their business.


KBG29 said:
Replicant said:

This is so true. They should do something along the lines of what some of those online personal projects suggest as e.g. this one:

Great link. If Sony followed what is laid out there, and eventually got all of their devices running on their own OS, then over the next decade, they could start to make a charge at Google, Apple, and Microsoft. I believe they are going to have to get it together fast though, because PlayStation is going to come under attack in the Home Console market with more consoles, and streaming from almost every direction. They need to capitalize now, by expanding PlayStation to Mobile, and getting the PS OS on their TV's. They can't just lay down as others bring the fight to them. They have to go after the Mobile space, as the Mobile players come after the console space. 

I agree. They have to act now.

Streaming and mobile gaming will soon eat into PlayStation’s market share (more than they already have). Expanding Orbis OS to run on not only PS4 but also phones and TVs would be a solid starting point. And honestly, Sony has nothing to lose by leaving Android (both their phone and TV market shares are diminishing and their product portfolio a mess).

Of course their services (PS Now, PS Vue, PS Video, and PS Music) would have to be deeply integrated in the OS as this would give them an upper hand in the battle to offer a connected experience across all devices (if you pause a game on your phone, you’ll be able to continue on your PS4 or TV when returning home).

Mobile gaming is now challenging console gaming directly in that it offers an experience close to the one offered by home consoles. As the leader of console gaming, Sony will have a clear advantage bringing the PlayStation brand, store, content, and maybe even controls to mobiles.

They have a huge challenge though. Smartphone owners won’t buy a phone unless it grants them access to all of their favorite apps and not even Microsoft (with its deep pockets) managed to get developers put out versions of their apps on Windows Phone.

Last edited by Replicant - on 15 July 2018