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I'm going to address your statements one by one.

1. Income Inequality: When you have a nation like the United States that's overloaded with corporations and businesses, you're bound to get a level of income inequality with the catalysts of the domestic industry and the general public. The average median household income for the US in 2016 was $59,039. The United States is the 11th highest in this regard. I think these statistics mean more when you're trying to judge the overall quality of life in the US.
2. Poor Spots in the Country: Every country has parts that might be stricken with more poverty than others. Alberta in Canada is one of those parts and despite being part of one of the most developed countries in the world, 1 in 10 children still live in poverty. Here's the poverty rates of some developed countries:
US: 12.7%
Canada: 9.4%
UK: 16.8%
Australia: 13.9%
France: 13.9% in 2012
3. Crime Rate: The crime rate is incredibly high in the United States and I'm not really sure what I can say to contest that. I guess it depends on the part of the US you live in. Its much less common in the Pacific Northwest for example.
4. Detroit: Detroit is a terrible city with large amounts of crime. That doesn't mean other countries don't have similar cities. Regina has a crime rate of 110 people per 100,000. Vancouver, Edmonton, and Montreal are not far behind. Admittedly, it's not as bad as Detroit, but it's still apparent in other countries.
5. Public Health Care: There's no definitive way to define which country has the best objective healthcare system. The US has patients pay for their healthcare but the overall quality is seen as somewhat comparable to other developed countries. They succeed in some areas yet fail in others.
6. Politics: Canada and the UK have this same exact issue. When you have 2 parties that contrast each other so heavily, they're more inclined to be contrarians in order to secure a vote and pander to their audience rather than helping the general public. It doesn't really affect the general public since the US election cycle is like a pendulum. It continuously shifts back and forth between the parties. They don't advance our society but they aren't necessarily given an opportunity to fuck anything up since any notable issue is resolved by the time the opposing party is in power which then presents new issues that need to be dealt with in the next election cycle. I remember the UK's election cycle where Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn both promised to maintain a fair and balanced government. A politician is concerned with their own self interests. They don't have to live in America in order to be corrupt.
7. Religion: The government makes decisions based on the individual's free will to run their business the way they please. I assume you are referencing incidents such as the bakery refusing to serve the gay couple. I don't agree with the discrimination, but businesses do have the right to deny service based on their own individual beliefs. Abortion is a contested issue and it's much more complicated than an authoritarian dictatorship simply denying an operation based on the pretense that the patient is a woman. I have also never heard of any incident where the government specifically intervened in order to prevent gay marriage.
8. Education: It depends on which part of the country you are in. States such as Connecticut and Vermont have great public education. Other states don't. It's not particularly comparable to the Netherlands and Sweden and that's indicative of several factors such as schools trying to cram useless information into the minds of children and children relatively having less excitement for school compared to children from other countries. School shootings are a massive problem, but that's more reflective of the issue regarding our gun control laws rather than an education problem. If we were to extend the definition of education to colleges and universities, the US also has some of the best in the world.

I suggest you look at the Human Development Index levels that take a variety of factors and use them to measure the overall well being of a country. Feel free to inform if you think anything I said was wrong.

Last edited by Smartie900 - on 13 July 2018