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Robert_Downey_Jr. said:
COKTOE said:

Good for them. I still have yet to play any of the PS2 games. Started with R&C Future: Tools Of Destruction on PS3, and although it didn't blow my mind, I was an instant fan. It's PS3 follow up,R&C: A Crack In Time , DID pretty much blow my mind. One of my favorite games of last gen. This one falls just short of A Crack In Time so far, but it's still fantastic. I did buy it, I'm playing the PS+ digital version, because why open my physical copy for nothing? Also the first game I've played in 4k. Add in HDR, and it's unflinching 60fps glory, and it's a beaut to be sure. I'm likely going to start both the Vita and PS3 R&C collection this year. Really curious to see where the series goes after this remake. It's left them in a weird position.

I started with the second one (going commando) and I must say going back to the first was a bit awkward.  Didn’t really love it so I’m glad they updated it with the remake.  Everything from two on except for All for One and Full Frontal Assault are great though.  I’m with you on ACiT being awesome.  In fact ACiT and Up Your Arsenal go back and forth as my favorites and this is my favorite game series of all time.  If you still have your ps3 hooked up and haven’t tried them Into the Nexus and Quest for Booty are both fun little mini-stories in the continuity that are kinda horror themed and a little more puzzle based.  


I too cant wait to see what they do next!  Hoping they save the next ratchet for PS5 and maybe conclude the story of finding the lombaxes.  Or remake 2 since they used nefarious already in the remake of 1 and he was the villain in UYA.  I just don’t want it thrown into the death year of PS4 and forgotten about.  I think Sony overdid it with ps3 when they put out Sly Cooper, TLoU, Beyond 2 Souls, Puppeteer, and GT6 all in the year PS4 came out.  Both strategically and as a first day buyer I would have preferred they save the big titles for the new gen or at least a couple of those smaller ones since a new gen is fertile grounds for software sales

I do indeed Booty and Nexus as well as a PS3. It's kinda crazy I haven't played them yet. Thanks for the reminder.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."