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The problem is making the switch game takes resources that could have been used to develop the next ps4/one game.
Let's imagine:
A) 1 year of full workload of your team to create a ps4/one/pc game. Sells 5 million across the platforms.
B) 6 months of full team working on switch port, sells 1 million.
3 years of game production, the can: make 2 games, for all platforms(including switch port) , and sell 12 million...
Ou they can make 3 games in the same time (no switch port) and sell 15 million.
The second option is more profitable.

Anyway, I'm not saying that is like that, only that it is not that simple.

I think the solution would be Nintendo open some studios like panic button and offer to port the games to switch, with barely any effort from original team, to not occupy resources.
Do that at least for the key games.