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Machiavellian said:

Did you not read the link I gave.  It showed that Obama was called Socialist, fascist, Nazi and a crap load of other stuff from the conservative media.  Your stance appears that this is only applied to Trump as if he is special in some way to negative press or even how he is typed or viewed.  The thing is that he isn't special.  Other presidents during their term was typed just as much depending on how threaten each side felt.  During Obama term, conservatives flipped a switched and called him everything they could.  Their whole agenda was to make sure they demonize him in such a way that he would fail a second term.  When that did not work, they worked hard to make sure that Hillary was next since she was the front runner.

It's how the game is played and if you do not like it then you probably should not get involved.  Politics has always been this way.  A lot of people were saying this before Trump decided he wanted to be President.  Trump never had any political experience and he felt that his little dirty business experience was enough to prepare him for the full onslaught.  The thing is, you seem to act as if Trump is some innocent bystander but he plays just as dirty as any other politician.  You only have to look at any of his attacks whether promoted or just off the cuff.  He has lied and demeaned any and everyone he felt is getting in his way.  Trump has shone he will use what every words, that will make his political base happy.  

I do not see Trump as any different from any other politician, if anything he just seems ill prepared, sloppy and lazy.  He doesn't appear he really want to do the job, he just want everyone else to bow to his whims.  Being president is a tough job, we will see how well he mature during his first term.

There is not a link to click on. 

And at what point have I said Trump is innocent? My only argument is that we don't blanketly refer to politicians as Nazis or fascists. It's not a crazy idea. I'm not blind, and I've said earlier in the forum about the tactics Trump plays. He is fair game and it is up for him to defend himself, such is politics. 

My point stands that calling your opponent a Nazi is not something that is acceptable because no one benefits from it, and its risks alienating people who are not radical.