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rocketpig said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
100 master tracks and more drums and a sliding touchpad? I can't believe Rock Band just got this owned so hard so fast. I didn't think it was possible. Well, props to Rock Band for giving these clowns some competition so they had to step their game up. This competition is getting awesome.

Until GH proves that it can own where it counts (the gameplay and song selection), I'm sticking with Rock Band.

I really don't like how Activision is approaching DLC. Harmonix is delivering a lot more bang for the buck with more choices being added every week.


Agreed. Especially since I'm sure they won't allow cross compatibility between GH4 and RB with the instruments. I just dropped $180 last year on a setup that works perfectly fine, and has thrown me affordable, solid tracks on a regular basis. I'm not dropping $180 again just to get FIVE drums in the kit instead of four and yet another guitar.

I do like the competition though. I still think Harmonix are the true innovators (taking the concepts Harmonix used in Rock Band, adding a few more features, and slapping the GH name on it isn't all that innovative in my book when it's a year later) but I'm glad to see Neversoft doing something to further the competition. I just really have no doubt that Harmonix, who have been making music games forever, will counterpunch with even more authority when they eventually unveil Rock Band 2. Harmonix have been on the cutting edge of music games for ages now, and I think they'll show that again with their next foray into the genre.

The dedication you show to any particular console or company is inversely proportional to the number of times you have gotten laid. If you get laid enough, even if you prefer a certain brand, you just don't give enough of a shit to argue about it on the internet.