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Yeah, MS-13 was just the most egregious example I could think of of the top of my head. Best case scenario it was an abhorrent gross amount of negligence to cover it that way, but I do agree it was probably deliberate. Omission of truth is usually their MO, though. 

My main concern is how common the use of fascist or Nazi is being used openly to the point that it is no longer simply trolling. I already hate people blanketly calling someone a racist, snowflake, sexist, or SJW because they disagree with them or to score points with their own crowd. But damn, it's not just about dismissing your opponent for having different views on how to run a country. It's saying that people that are maliciously trying to harm others because they are evil. Not only is it incredibly lazy and factually wrong, but it increases the divisiveness and potentially calls for violence to justify the solution. Not to mention the person who says or believes it is narrowing their entire perspective on the issue(s) at hand. Or, they cannot even begin to justify why someone might disagree with them to such a degree.