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I'm sorry to hear that. I'm no profissional in any way but I've read about how exercises and meditation could help. The  anxiety is, in some sort, a lack of confidence.

You might try to start running in your neighbour twice a week to get more confidence; say 'hello' to some strangers while at it. I think it you will grow your confidence day by day, little by little and, in the end, you'll regain it.

Meditation could help too. It seems there are some researchs that corroborate that meditation is beneficial. I started reading this book: The confidence gap. Taking a class would be nice because of the new people you would meet.

In the end, what I really thing is that we overestimate the negative things people think of us. Most of the time they, in fact, don't care who you are or what you did. They can say something at the moment but if you don't  have an agressive response, they just let it go.

I wish you the best.