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It's not that the chainsaw duels is a bad concept, just what they showed in the trailer was vile execution -_-; First off, two chainsaws coming together at the blades and being able to hold it there is A. Illogical as all hell, it doesn't work anything like that, and B. should it work like that, probably very bad for your blades >_>; The fact that they made Markus yell while doing so made it even more comedic to me XD If your going to put a mash sequence in, do it similar to god of war, have them connect at the gun's and be much closer to the blades, have them do a whole tipping while pushing the blades dangerously close to the other persons face :P Y'know, movie cliche ^_^

I guess it also didn't help that I saw a Locust and a Person standing around in the background while they were dueling XD But nit-picks aside, Gears of War 1 was an "above average, not quite great" game which had some great aspects to it's gameplay, but overall severely punished itself with some huge annoyances >
At the same time I think Insomniac is going to deliver a massive package of awesome as well, and given that they're not rushed, definitely have a fantastic grasp on PS3 technology, and are definitely not skimping on technical achievement, I think gears of war is going to have a hell of a battle on it's hand in terms of who can deliver a better gameplay experience :D

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