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ChronotriggerJM said:
I think Resistance 2 is going to rock the shit out of Gears 2 :P With all that insomniac is going for in R2, and considering they're not a company with empty promises, that's going to be quite the resume to beat.

Gears of war 2 trailer was kinda meh, they DIDN'T have "tons of extra enemies", they were a bunch of people walking around on the floor >_>; Great if you like duck-hunt. The battles seem to be pretty close quarters once again, and dueling chain-saws... I wanna say great in concept, but man it was just a testosterone driven homo-moment ;-; It looked pretty lame ><

I'm not one to critique though, I didn't really like the original gears of war and I was quite taken with Resistances weaponry :P So I am speaking with a bit of bias, I think both will be great games, I just think the "greatness" of gears is going to be used to clean Resistances floor :P


Finally someone else who thought the chainsaw battle was lame.  So was the whole grabbing a locust and using him as a hostage bit.  That shit (the hostage part) fits in with Splinter Cell and MGS4, not with Gears of War.

I loved Gears of War.  It was a great game.  I liked Resistance 1.  It was a good game.  Whether or not Resistance 2 can close the gap (or Gears of War 2 introduces even more lame concepts) remains to be seen.

I didn't care for either game's multiplayer.  I always preferred something like CS:S or GRAW's multiplayer.  But 8 player co-op definitely has me interested.  And I'm sure Gears of War 2's co-op will be stellar, like the first.