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bugrimmar said:
Louie said:

I agree that most music reviews are trash! I read a review on David Bowie's last album where (two days before his death) the reviewer was adamant Bowie never sang about death in a single of the songs on his album and was just singing about taking drugs. And he did it in a very condescending tone. Well...

But, just to give some perspective as a not-so-hardcore gamer: This is funny to read on a gaming forum where people complain about slight FPS drops and sub-par resolution in their games! Hardcore music fans live in their bubble, where production and sound quality are really important because they listen to stuff on their high end sound systems or headphones... just like gamers live in their bubble when it comes to game reviews. The sentence you quoted basically translates (in gaming terms) to: "The graphics are high quality with sharp textures, great lighting and a consistent 60fps @ 1800p resolution, with perfect upscaling for your 4K TV." --> Everyone outside the hardcore gaming bubble would go "What does this even mean? Is this even important?" Or, "in other words, does it look good? Don't sugar-coat. All the stuff you said just means the same thing."

To an outsider, discussions on gaming forums are not any less ridiculous than audiophile music reviews. Most of us are not audiophiles, so we laugh about music reviews. But when it comes to gaming, we think it's majorly important for our great Xbox One game to have better texture filtering than the PS4 version or if there are inconsistent drops to 55fps in a game - something most people wouldn't even notice. So, it's basically a mirror: This is what we (core gamers) look like from an outside perspective.

Wrong. Games have so many dimensions that can easily be critiqued objectively. The facts of low resolution and low framerate are facts. You can't hide that behind any kind of hyperbole. Whoever is watching, you can compare one game has smoother frames while another doesn't. Run a PS4 game vs a PS1 game and anyone can tell the difference.


But with music, how to compare? One sounds better than another? If you listen to bohemian Rhapsody be from decades ago and some miley Cyrus crap, do you notice the quality difference? No. All people can say is either they like the song or not. They prefer this genre or not. that's it. Games have objective differences over time that you can compare while music does not.

People can have preferences, but that doesn't mean their preference is actually higher quality then something else. People cam prefer actual garbadge in their aesthetic choices.