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quickrick said:
BlackBeauty said:

Mario Kart 8 deluxe which is a port outsold BOTW and will most likely outsell Odyssey.

At the end of the day, it doesn't work like that. 

mario kart as a franchise has always been bigger then zelda, 3d mario, and smash, so thats not a surprise, it also got  nice boost by launching early when there nothing to buy on switch except zelda, and people were thirsty for new games especially around a new console launch with huge demand.  

Nice moving goal post there.

We’re talking about ports. Mario Kart 8 deluxe isn’t a brand new entry. And yes it’s bigger than zelda etc that’s true.

But deluxe also outsold the original Wii U version. 

And ok nothing to buy on switch? But why is Mario Kart 8 still top ten a YEAR LATER?

A port....


They could re release melee again on switch and it will still sell 15 million copies. Port or not port don’t matter it will sell regardless. i mean just look at amazon.