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irstupid said:
HylianSwordsman said:

You must not have done much 1v1 with her, as she's terrible there. She's a decent support character on a team and can last to the last two in a free for all in my experience for the reasons you mention, but even that will probably be nerfed in this game as all the new mechanics seem to point to a game that gives much greater reward to aggressive play styles over defensive or avoidant ones. I'm hopeful that they did more to change her character than just the aesthetic changes they've showed off so far, or she'll probably be bottom tier, if not worst character.

I never play one on one. Always play with a group, items on, ect.

I play for fun. Not some elitist melee player.

That's fine. I don't play competitively either. I've only ever played at parties with friends, or single player vs CPU when I'm by myself, but in neither scenario did I avoid 1 v 1s. My friends would do mostly group matches with items on, but every once and a while we'd mix it up with a 1 v 1, particularly if a group match was really close between two people. But even in groups, I just find it less fun when one character is so much worse than the others that you can only win with them if you're miles better than everyone else. So when I say bottom tier, I don't mean it in an elitest "what do you mean you're not using one of the three good characters!" way that some people do, I just mean that tiers do definitely exist, and while it's possible to have fun with any character, some characters are objectively worse, and thus can be more frustrating to play with in certain situations, especially 1v1 with no items. I once saw a team tier list, and Zelda did much better there, precisely because of that side B. I love using that thing in big groups, so much fun. Still, I wish she was better, so that when I get swarmed by an aggressive player, either in a group or at the end of the battle when it's just me and them left, I have better options. She needs a buff, and a good one.