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Simple question, but one that has a couple of angles: will the Switch port of Ys XIII outsell the XBO and PS4 ports?


Arguments for:

- The Switch port is releasing at a less crowded time.

- The franchise has not been on a Nintendo console in some time.

- The Switch dominates Japan, and a this is a portable upgrade from Vita.


Arguments against?

- The game is getting quite old at this point.

- It's a late port even in comparison to the other console versions.

- The PS4 and XBO versions have better visuals.


What do you think? I personally think the game can do quite well on the Switch, and no that Falcom doesn't have unrealistic expectations of the sales of their game. I'm looking forward to it quite a bit, and have been playing a lot of the older games in preparation of release -- I even slipped a bit of Ys III footage into my most recent video:

Let's hear it!

Retro Tech Select - My Youtube channel. Covers throwback consumer electronics with a focus on "vid'ya games."

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