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Lonely_Dolphin said:
quickrick said:

Next shipment is numbers are good then there doing great, i believe it will be low because they over shipped for the last quarter.

So you do believe Nintendo's numbers atleast, that's good enough.


Fight-the-Streets said:
People underestimate Nintendo Labo. It will drive numbers. Nintendo Labo was always meant to sell during holidays season, not at launch. They will make huge commercial campaigns for it during holidays season. Why they released it in April? That's their secret but Nintendo Labo isn't a traditional video game that is basically doing its biggest numbers during the first few weeks after release. It's a completely new (toy-) product and it will be interesting to see how it will do during holidays season.
Ment to sell during the holidays, yet it did nothing substantial during golden week or after it got a price cut in Japan, and was released 7 months out from western holidays. Sure, they'll probably have new labo kits and with them a new marketing campaign for the holidays. Doubt it'll fair much better but we'll see.

They probably will do a Nintendo Switch + Labo bundle!