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Azuren said:
Immersiveunreality said:

There needs to be marketinterest and it does not always need to be the same group of people, first person games are popular so they maybe have lost buyers but gained others.

The folks that want an upgraded witcher will be pleased when CDPR makes another witcher but for now i am more than happy i will get a unique experience with cyberpunk 2077,i also do not want companys to listen to thousand different opinions and try to please them while getting lost on the way. I just want them to put heart and soul into the game they want to make.

Ah, taking a class in the Disney Star Wars style of fandom building? Discard the fandom that built you up for reasons?


Sorry, but that's dumb. Even if they had just included a third person option like Elder Scrolls, they could have retained a large portion of their audience. Instead they can just wait for another Witcher, right? The ones that stay, anyhow.

Nah. Let the fans of their other franchise (Witcher) complain and whine over something they haven't even experienced yet.

What is dumb is to ask the developer to let gamers build the game themselves instead of following their vision and show artistic integrity.

But sure, let's have all games be made like FF XV.

Last edited by Hynad - on 17 June 2018