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People mistaking the complaints about cross play are equally confusing to me. Try to play a game like Battleborn or Evolve on PS4, you won’t play very long because the queue times are garbage. Wouldn’t it be great if cross play allowed you to matchmake with not just PS4 people but also Xbone, maybe even PC in some cases, and Switch? Suddenly your MP title got a lot more life.

“but I don’t care for MP!” - then you shouldn’t care whether cross play happens or not.

“but Sony shouldn’t share their market lead with competition!” - this is corporate shill type thinking, and not looking out for your best interests as gamers or your fellow gamers best interests. Furthermore the only games being talked about thus far are Rocket League, Minecraft, and Fortnite. Do you really think Switch or Xbone owners have trouble finding players in these games? The big games start this trend and smaller games can follow suit.

“but last gen Microsoft didn’t want cross play!” - whataboutism is not a valid argument to use, especially when you’re arguing against your own consumer rights, lol.

This thread is almost depressing to read. Someone above said they support Sony hijacking Epic accounts. Like, what in the fuck? lol