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Heya all.

After finishing GoW, I have basically nothing left to look for in games for the PS4 for the next month or so (didn't like Vampyr tho I did buy it). Thinking of buying an Xbox (well 2, actually), an Xbox One X (awful name, if you ask me) and/or an Xbox One S. Basically, I tend to buy consoles in groups (I have 3 PS4 for example) because I have several rooms I play in (our home gym, the living room and my "man cave") that I play in. I'm still a bit on the fence, though. I'd only really buy if I feel that is is worth it. If some of you may be so kind as to give me some advice, I would love it. :)

Basically: what games should I look to buy first for my Xbox? Are there enough to keep me occupied for a few months at least? I'm an ARPG and MMORPG (emphasis on action) kinda guy. I'm already considering PoE (and it is the main reason I am buying the Xbox) but I'm not sure it would keep my interest for too long. I'm also considering SoT, but I heard bad things about it so I'm still not too sure. I'm more of a "it's worth it if I spend X hours on it". Doesn't matter if the Xbox has only one game but if It's able to keep my interest for a month or 2, the whole purchase would be worth it to me (I hate boredom).