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JRPGfan said:
Medisti said:
Did they seriously only show like 8 games total. I watched with some friends and the only one that looked good was Spiderman, which is probably the only game I'll buy out of any of these.

I took notes:

Last of us - Part 2 (awesome gameplay, wow factor)
Call of Duty new maps thingy
Giant Ghost? PSvr
Destiny 2 forsaken
Ghosts of Tshima (ingame wow graphics)
Controll (remedy) (quatom break like game) (multiplat)
Resident Evil 2  remake? (WOW) (jan 25 2019)
Trover saves the universe (meh)
Kingdom Hearts 3 (jan 2019) (new trailer longer, pirates of the caribbean)
Kingdom Hearts All in one package (all the games)
Deaths Stranding (gameplay very exploration/stealth focused, looks gorgeous)
Nioh 2    (team ninja) (PS4 + PC)
Spiderman (awesome gameplay)
Dreams shorts through-out between games.
Dêcina PSVR (japan studios / Fromsoft)

The two seconds in that sizzle reel I didn't even get a chance to see what the games even were, so I'm not counting those. I meant games that actually had trailers.