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KManX89 said:
pokoko said:

I don't understand what you're saying.  Why do you think you're entitled to something they created specifically for a collector's edition?

Excuse me? Feeling "entitled" to something I paid for with my $60 purchase? If I pay full price for a game (and $60 is full price), I expect to get the full game. It's not "extra content", it was CUT content that they locked behind a SE to squeeze a few more dollars out of its customers. If it were truly extra content, it would've been worked on, finished and sold AFTER the game was already released, but that's not what happened here. It's stuff already in the game that they cut out and locked behind a paywall so they could hide behind "making it specifically for the SE", and yes, any content that was made to be sold before launch is, by definition, cut content.

That's bullshit.  You're not entitled to everything a creator works on before release.  I have no idea where that sense of entitlement came from but that's all it is.  It doesn't work that way in ANY industry or business.  This whole idea that production staff has to wait around aimlessly until after sometime hits the market is just silliness.

A consumer is entitled to is what is in the description of the product, not "everything that has been worked on until now".  At that point, a consumer can decide if the value is there or not.