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SpokenTruth said:
Cubedramirez said:
Beta males. Gene pool was supposed to clear them out, now instead they are allowed to get old enough and angry enough to commit acts of terror because they're failures.

Back when I was young those kids would have learned early on how to gain confidence by being forced to address conflict but now are allowed to fester and live comfortable.

I'd be ashamed if my son turned out to be one and like hell if either of my daughters bring one home; I'd break such a little shit.

1. We are not primal instinct functioning animals.  We have long since evolved past that stage...well, most of us.

2. Shy men /= incel terrorists. 

3. You would prefer a hyper-masculine son or son-on-law over a calm, mild mannered one?  The former would be more likely to assault your daughter.

That posting was satire