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DonFerrari said:
VGPolyglot said:

Um, yeah it does, there's a reason why Tomb Raider has had 2 reboots, because change was needed.

And they didn't change the core of her being a white rich british woman. The reboots made weren't because of the char itself but gameplay, stagnation of the gameplay, multiple bad games in succession, etc.

HomokHarcos said:

The characters have changed. Bruce Wayne has had different characterizations and the Lara Croft of the recent reboot is different than the earlier versions.

In any of them did BW stopped being a rich white man that suffered the loss of both parents at young age or LC a rich white british woman that lost the father during teens or early adulthood? They changed very little to both. He said Batman and Tomb Raider are titles and they could be filled by someone not BW or LC, neither happened.

And there we go, you obviously don't know Lara Croft's original backstory because in the original series her parents don't die when she's young, that was added in the reboot.