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Why I am hyped about this game?

  1. It's being made by Sucker Punch, and I really liked their Sly Cooper series from last gen.
  2. It's combining the free roam experience of GTA with the platforming of Sly Cooper, plus they are throwing in awesome lightning powers.
  3. With the power of electricity comes other positives and negatives.  For instance, the main character cannot use a gun, as the electricity flowing through his body would cause the bullets to explode.
  4. You have the choice to use your powers for good or for evil; the choice to become famous or infamous.
  5. Other reasons that are hard to describe in one sentence. :P

To all those that are bashing the game with little reasoning, try doing some research on what the game is actually about rather than basing your opinion on nothing but screenshots.  You can start by reading through these scans from the latest GameInformer.  The cover story this month was inFamous.