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Garcian Smith does have a point but, he hasn't done much contribution to the tread by attacking other people's opinions.

As far as those screenshots go, the final game will be even better and plus, most games that I have played that ran in HD ( 720p-1080p range) were not so heavy on the "Glossy Mud".  Granted, I've only played one game running in true 1080p......


Like I posted in an earlier inFamous thread, this game looks like Assassin's Creed control scheme ( one of the strengths of that game) with lightning powers. @ Mummelmann  : One reason you probably thought GTA IV was a let down was because of the enemies in the game.  It's just the same s*** over again from the previous GTAs, while in inFamous, they are going with more interesting and challenging enemies.  ( one of the first mini-bosses in the game teleports short distances while throwing concussive blasts in your direction.)


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