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zero129 said:
Jaicee said:

I feel that the formulation above loses something important, indeed defining, about feminism: women!

Feminism, as the term suggests, is about liberating women from patriarchal social relations. It's not about making men feel better or apologizing for having won some reforms and agreeing to compromise them away. It's not a men's movement for women. It isn't #NotYourShield or #NotAllMen. I just think we need to remember that.

The onus of preventing misogynistic violence such as we are discussing here is not on us as women. It is on those who commit it and on a culture that promotes the corresponding mindset that led thereto. I think there are ways in which men can benefit from the changing of such a culture, yes. In the long run. In secondary ways that cost many special privileges. But I just think we need to remember who the women's movement is primarily for, not just who it may benefit eventually by proxy effect.

I have not posted here in awhile but just had to with this topic.

I knew from the OP of this topic, that it had to be one of them kind of topics that once again try to paint "All" men with the one brush while acting like women dont have problems other then the ones men put on them "Talk about placing blame on others" Plenty of women commit violence on other women and men. Hell i know some women that can be a lot sicker then men. What about the women in the feminist movement who wants death to all men and bullshit like that?. Plenty of videos online of self proclaimed feminist saying shit like that.

Just because you and others are putting a name to a bunch of sick men and trying to make it look like some kind of movement that all men support and or think like to help push your own agenda and movement that all men are violent and women are some kind of self loving peace keepers doesnt make it so.. Just as im sure not all feminist or women are "feminazi's" , another term that's been used to describe many in the feminist movement who are under the impression that all men are against them and in return calls for violence on men.

I don't think she's necessarily saying that all men are the problem, or that women do nothing wrong, more that the system as it currently is more advantageous to men than it is to women. However, I do think that men who want to help the cause should definitely be allowed to participate; granted we cannot truly understand the difficulties that women face, however we can at least try to help recognize things that we could do differently in order not to perpetuate the oppressive system. Where she and I definitely do come to a disagreement though are thoughts on sexual orientation and transsexualism, I do not think that women can essentially free themselves by choosing to become homosexual, as from personal anecdotes I've tried to "become" bisexual/pansexual through a desire to have a more open mindset, however no matter how hard I'd try I could only achieve limited sexual attraction towards men. As for transsexualism, Jaicee is of the belief that it does not truly exist, while my belief is that transsexuals are real and that not accepting them into their desired gender is very harmful and potentially lethal.