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twintail said:
Mr_No said:
Now that Sony has laid all their cards on the table, I don't know what to think about this. I'll still watch it regardless, but I have this feeling that people will deem it a bad conference beforehand because there's no surprise or expectation or hype behind it. Here's hoping they mislead everyone and gives us some surprises. But with PS4 being at the final phase I doubt there will be anything mindblowing coming.

I don't understand anyone who thinks this. All Sony has done is advertise their E3 with 4 major cinematic games, especially after the success of GoW.

SM was always going to be at E3. TloU2 was already said to appear. DS was hinted at. GoT... Sure this could have not shown.

There will be other Sony games. Other 3rd party games. Other Indies. 

Nothing has changed except advertising beforehand. 

I tend to agree with his lack of hype on this one.

Sony did the same for PSX last year by announcing a more in depth look at some titles with a more casual discussion around it. Then everyone complained it sucked, but to be fair, they did warn.

Now for E3 they have done exactly the same. I know that usually I would wake up at 3am every year to watch the conference, but this year for the first time in a long time I'll just sleep through it and read the news in the morning.

I am plenty excited for Shadows die twice (BB2?) and whatever other 3rd parties will appear, but not staying up to watch a couch conversation about the mechanics of LoU2