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Possibly not when we consider the situation so far ...

1. PS4 beat the Switch by a MASSIVE 7M unit margin last year
2. PS4 has a lead of 1.5M units according to VGC and it is likely projected to reach ~3/3.5M units by the end of September
3. Nintendo system shipments usually often peak very early into their life cycle
4. Smash Bros for Switch release date has yet to be confirmed so the expectation that it will release in late Q3 this year is highly speculation for the most part
5. PS4 will most likely continue to have strong sales going into 2019 with as many as ~15M units sold

In conclusion, it would not be out of the realm of near possibility that the PS4 could potentially outsell the Switch next year too as well as it highly likely will for this year judging by current performance ...