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Immersiveunreality said: There's a ratingsystem for everything except one for the media and if its a loose ratingsystem like metacritic is then i think there will be more positives than negatives.

Everything can fall in the wrong hands but that does not mean it cannot exist,like the media itself exists .And yes in on other ratingsites the numbers are pretty spot on,like metacritic the awful games get awful ratings.And if this moves journalists in being more honest from the start and im sure they will do that if the particular site gets popular then its allready a big win for us, the consumers .

Rating systems for things like movies and games is purely subjective, so it kinda works (though plenty of those don't work well either).  Ratings for whether media is accurate and honest is not subjective, people suffer massively from confirmation bias when it comes to media so what you would get is not a rating system for their quality or accuracy, but one for their popularity where their views align which is exactly what you don't want.