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Replay value and length are not at all connected for me. If a game is good enough, or at least has a good enough story that warrants multiple play throughs, I’ll replay regardless of length. At the same time, a game being very short doesn’t really make it any more enticing for me to replay, it has to be worth a replay. The Order took me 5 1/2 hours to platinum and I never touched it again because regardless of how short it was I found the gameplay dull and the story lacking any need or reward for another play through. Compare that to something like Bioshock Infinite, I found the gameplay solid, but I probably beat that game four times just because of the story. It isn’t a very long game either.

I don’t see a point in comparing today’s games to what you found acceptable in the 80’s and 90’s. Technology was different back then. Just because you were ok with paying $80 for a 3 hour game back then doesn’t mean you should be happy with anything more than that by default. People used to be happy about traveling via horse carriage and watching black and white television.