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I see people are confused about the Atari VCS, what purpose it serves and what value it holds.

The VCS is REALLY just a small x86 PC with an AMD APU capable of playing games, but not really at the same visual quality of a PS4 for example. Only 4GB of RAM will restrict it more than anything.

"Erg, gaw! It sucks, it so week!!" Yes, yes it is,... in comparison to machines that aim to deliver cutting edge AAA game visuals, the VCS doesn't.

"But games maing, where duh games. No one gunna make de games." Atari is creating new games and partnering with developers for some VCS exclusives for their online store on the VCS. These games may or may not suck total balls, but there will probably be a few gems worth a play and I'm sure a few people are excited for new versions of Atari classics. But there are already thousands of games the VCS can play, and I'm not talking about 2600 ROMs, I'm talking about your Steam library.

The VCS is a PC after all, and it's running a spin of Ubuntu Linux that can run the Steam client and play your back-catalog of games, as long as they can run on the hardware and have a Linux version, as many indie games do. The VCS should be able to play games Like Rocket League, Besiege, RoboCraft, DOTA2 and even Cities: Skylines would be possible but pushing it. The VCS is however going to be more suited to the less graphically demanding indie games and older AAA titles.

"But moneis, too much!" In relation to the traditional console market that often sells at a loss and have over priced games due to the platform holders fees perhaps, Atari is asking for what it costs to produce the VCS and you can run any code you want on it.

Since it's a PC you could install any OS and use it for just about anything. People seem to react positively to the form factor so worst case you're left with a cool PC for your TV.

On the first day of the indiegogo preorder they've sold over 7,500 units and raised over 2 million dollars, totally destroying their goals, so it's looking like a strong start.

The issue with the Uoya (other than the name, is that even how you spell it?) is that is tried to create an entirely new isolated ecosystem.