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Usually root for the underdog but I have to go root for the Warriors. Call it spiteful but I don't want Lebron to even get close to MJ's 6 rings as a Bulls fan.

The only beef I have with the Warriors is that they beat my Bulls regular season record of 72-10 only to blow it against Lebron and the Cavs that year in the finals, but overall I have no issue with them. They're a well assembled all around team that you gotta respect, unlike the Cleveland Lebron-iers, with one superstar player and a ring chaser in Love and little else, as they take advantage of a weak Eastern conference aside from maybe the 76ers and Boston, both of which are still very young and in the early stages of development. Warriors also got Steve Kerr as head coach, former player for one of the best and my favorite Bulls team ever, so I'm cool with him winning another ring.

Fun little side note - My sister had a brief fling with Love's cousin Christian, who told her he apparently tried to get in touch with him when he was in town to touch base and hang out and totally ignored him. So I have a feeling he's kind of a self-absorbed jerk; as is Christian somewhat according to my sister. So I wouldn't mind seeing Love lose again as well.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden