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Of all games that are overhyped, I think Little Big Planet ends up having the most people who have unrealistic expectations for how it will sell ...

It seems to me like it is a 2D platformer that gains its depth because of its use of an advanced physics engine; 2D platformers are not particularly popular on home console's anymore and few people (outside of very-dedicated 'geeky' gamers) really understand the difference between advanced physics and scripted behavior. The graphics are nice but the artistic style is overly cute, in particular for a game being released on a platform where the vast majority of million selling games are "Mature" or sports games; I personally know gamers who buy in this patter who refuse to buy Mario or Zelda because they're too "Kiddy" even though they're two of the best games of the generation. It is currently scheduled to be released in October where it will face (at least) 10 high profile games which more closely match the buying habits of PS3 owners, and (at least) 5 games which would appeal (in some way) to the smaller demographic of PS3 owners looking for games like this; unless Sony drop $20+ Million marketing Little Big Planet it will simply get lost in the mix.