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DonFerrari said:
And just wanted to point out that "norms" is a terrible way of defending something... "but it was always like that".

Get back to me when the legislative filibuster is abolished. Then the majority can change the law re: number of SC justices and pack it to hell and back--nothing bad can possibly result from that.

Maxosaurus-rex said:
sethnintendo said:

At least they try and pass some laws here and there that actually benefit the average citizen instead of being completely fake like republicans who only pass bills in favor of the highest donor.  Republicans are completely sucking on the tit of corporate America while putting on complete bullshit front of actually caring about the average citizen.

So go ahead and support your corporate whores.

Dude, seriously. Democrats don't care about you either. 

Which is why Democrats created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau..since they don't care about people who are defrauded by con artists and banks.

Which is why Democrats passed laws recognizing gay marriage...since they don't care about gays.

Which is why Democrats created Social Security...since they don't care if the elderly live on the streets.

Which is why Democrats passed the Dodd-Frank Act...since they don't care if Wall Street crashes the economy again. (Guess what deregulatory bill is awaiting Trump's signature?)

Which is why Democrats support raising taxes on huge corporations and the wealthy...since they don't care about funding the stuff that helps everyone else.

Which is why Democrats got Iran to agree to the recently-dismantled nuclear deal...since they don't care if a dangerous theocracy gets a nuclear weapon.

Which is why Democrats started the effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions...since they don't care if farmland remains arable in the future.

Which is why Democrats passed Obamacare...since they don't care if people lose everything due to a freak major injury.

Which is why Democrats support raising the minimum wage...since they don't care about the working poor.

Which is why the four Democrat-appointed SC justices just dissented in Epic Systems Corp. vs. Lewis, in which the majority decided that employees cannot take their employers to court for violating labor laws if they have forced-arbitration clauses in their employment contracts. Who penned the majority opinion, you might ask? Neil Gorsuch, the newest Supreme Court justice. 'bout that?