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I have no issue with diversity and actually very much support it when it happens organically, but when it's constantly forced is where there can be issues.

For one, I can't help but think that more and more are placing value over the color of one's skin or their sex rather than the attributes that REALLY matter, which are one's character and actions. Like, why place so much emphasis on something we're born into be sheer luck and chance?

The second issue I have is when companies/studios use "diversity" as their primary selling point or main means to garner attention, rather than let the quality of the product itself drive attention and hype. Recent examples would be the Ghostbusters remake, and Blizzard randomly proclaiming that Tracer from Overwatch was gay (which nobody cared about btw).

Like, of course I believe nobody should be excluded, and representation is a great thing, but it's reaching an almost anti-intellectual in many ways where baked-in traits are taking precedence over all else, which is not a progression for my money, but rather a REgression. I just tend to hold much more value in diversity of personality, opinions, characteristics, life experiences, etc rather than the color of one's skin, which means very little to me.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden