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The decline in credibility of the major news media in the english speaking world is extremely worrying. Several of those are getting highly influenced by radical leftism that are using their position to campaign politically. CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, Guardian, The Independent and Channel 4 have all flushed their credibility down the toilet in favour of politics and fake news. And by doing so they have helped the alternative, radical right media, like InfoWar, to get credibility in a lot of peoples eyes.
It's an extremely discomforting realization to wake up to, the fact that you don't know anymore which sources to trust.

I understand that it is impossible to be completely unbiased in journalism, but a lot of these media aren't even trying, or only barely. Some english media that still hold some credibility in my eyes include The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic and BBC, yet these still need to improve.

Here in Scandinavia the media are a lot better (in my eyes), though they also need to improve quite a bit.

I strongly recommend everybody to use multiple media sources all across the political spectrum, and be extremely critical and careful.