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mZuzek said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Goal difference doesn't exactly reward consistency either though, it rewards attacking play. A team that's very consistent but also plays very defensively could have a large points total but a low goal difference.

Yes but it's still consistency in attacking play if anything, because it's something that's affected by the entire outcome of 38 matches rather than 2.

That's a contradiction because going into the match the teams would essentially have the same type of record across all 38 games as far as wins/loss/draws go if the defensive team wins then they should go through on head to head goal difference should only factor if the head to head is even as well, the's a good reason for this as well as FIFA realised that GD was favouring offensive tactics so even if the team lost they'd go through because they beat some pub team  5-0 earlier in the season hence why head to head was introduced.