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Lonely_Dolphin said:
curl-6 said:

I don't limit myself to only the "super ambitious"; Splatoon 2 wasn't overly ambitious but it was still a high quality new game, same with Kingdom Battle. I just want something on that level of quality that I didn't already play to death years ago.

Then like he said, wait until a sufficient amount of games you're into are on the console before buying in the future. I did that with the Wii U and despite it getting the worst software support ever I was never sitting around waiting instead of playing.

I mean, in his defense the Switch got a phenomenal onslaught in the second half of last year.

This Spring is slower no doubt and definitely seems targeted at non-Wii U owners which is understandable to a degree, that is 90% of the potential customer base.  But it can leave some hanging.

And while I don't defend droughts often, the first Spring or two of a console are usually pretty meh.  One of the reasons I have so rarely bought hardware in year 1.  June on seems pretty tight for the Switch though.  It seems honestly like this year has a similar tempo to last year.  A calm spring followed by a fast paced summer and fall capped off with a big winter.