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NesFe said: 

I should have both my vitas back in a week and then its time to finally finish the second utawarerumono vita game. I also have Gundam G Genesis which I only played one story from and Cosmic Star Heroine. Once I'm done with those then its time to import some games which at the rate I'm playing in might be next year lol.

Currently thinking of importing : Hero must Die (I enjoyed the demo but had hoped to see the game in the west),  Digimon: Hacker's memory (I loved cyber so this is obvious), Eve Burst VN, Yu-NO (this might come to the west since it has been announced for switch/pc so I'll wait)  and a visual novel adventure that I can't remember its name lol  (people ranking and challenging people to gain popularity or something).

Sounds like a good selection. I haven't even started SD Gundam or Uta yet!

YU-NO might come west on Vita, PQube had it leaked about 18 months ago in the same leak that included Punchline (which we're now getting). Let me know what you think of Hero Must Die!

Was the visual novel adventure Net High?