quickrick said:
Miyamotoo said:
Biggest difference between Wii and Switch will be that Switch will have longer life span with multiply revisons and it will have typical IPs that were on handheld only before, for instance Pokemon, so yeah Wii had stronger sales in same time period but Switch will probably have longer sales and it will be longer on market with more revisions.
Wii and DS also didn't had strong part support that could be compared with PS3 support.
Yeah but also need to look what Switch had in April (or until now) and what will have in later months, and from May Switch lineup is getting quite stronger compared lineup until April, in April Switch had Labo that didnt performed best and later will have games like Smash Bros, Fire Emblem, Pokemon...that will be huge system seller games.
well see in terms of system sellers nothing will beat 2017 imo, zelda, MO, mario kart, and splatoon 2 plus launch hype/demand, but we'll see what happens this year.
Doesn't really needs to beat last year, in order to sell better this year especially because Switch had huge stock problems last year. But yeah, we can only wait and see.